Alexandr Popov

Results 17 comments of Alexandr Popov

> Помимо реестра РКН, есть ещё ТСПУ -- там внереестровые блокировки. Официального источника адресов, блокируемых через ТСПУ, я никогда не встречал. Скажите пожалуйста, а на основании какого закона допустимы какие-либо...

> Если не ошибаюсь это гугловский домен который держит исключительно изображения для различных их сайтов. Домен используется много где... Его заблокировали **от имени военной цензуры** т.к. на каком то сайте...

> You mean an environment variable attached to the URL? I meant Bearer authorization token, IIRC

> this apparently breaks the tests pretty badly I guess something else has gone wrong here, because I ran the tests locally on this branch, and it is just fine.

> > I ran the tests locally on this branch > > What tests? The failure is from e2e test suite, not from the unit tests. Ah, got it. OK,...

Can you please help me with this thing? I'm quite new to Swagger and testing in Node.

I'm just trying to learn using this app, since it's really short and simple. I found one more place to fix in `e2e/Conduit.postman_collection.json` file, but even after that it keeps...

I see your point of "just revert it back if it works", but I really don't like the nested approach of `{ "user": { "username": ..., "email": ..., "password": ......

> Should be just about `yarn start` in one terminal and `yarn test:e2e` in another. Yes, that's exactly what I'm doing. Still no breakpoints are triggered when I run `npm...

Then what is the purpose of URL?