The one I saw defaulted to the end of the assembly after your code, but there was a command to relocate it to wherever else you wanted
I saw this feature in the rare MIDAS assembler for PDP-10, which you'd think would be hard to get working or find docs for, but actually an easy self installing...
> I'll test that this week. Using an non cracked Geos 1.3. I assume I should use the US version of Geos 1.3? Yes, I was using an uncracked US...
There's a Z Machine interpreter for Emacs, but I'm not sure if it's possible to run it on the earlier ITS version of it. http://ifarchive.org/indexes/if-archiveXinfocomXinterpretersXemacs.html
> > If we can get a halfway decent C compiler going for ITS > > We have an excellently archaic C compiler for ITS! It's harks back to the...
Somebody here says they got the dumb terminal version of Frotz working on a 1985 K&R C compiler by changing one line (?????) https://bytes.com/topic/c/answers/220926-ansi-k-r
I'll let you know when I find out