with the new TweakUI (Tweak UIX 0.20.0) i've got this pb when i launch (cf file) [error update.txt](https://github.com/builtbybel/TweakUIX/files/8314233/error.update.txt) i think it's a certificate pb? can you help me ? thks
same problem as at the time with android 12 ;-) work profile apps are not displayed in Afwall 3.5.3, but blocked (by default) Work profile created with shelter 1.8 multiuser...
ilike i said before in garuda and arcolinux, syslog never worked i've got this message always...even i update like it says.. 17:55:08 garude-1234 syslog-ng[1582]: [2023-06-04T17:55:08.853327] systemd-journal: Current position does not...
i'm ok in garuda linux but with arcolinux nothing when i launch manually with python thepath/archmain.py i've got this... Traceback (most recent call last): File "/mypath/archmain/archmain.py", line 175, in switch_1...