Pierre-Olivier Mauguet
Pierre-Olivier Mauguet
I troubleshoot a step further. After having installed `next-transpile-modules`, I have the DevTools which seems to compile. My next.config.js is : ``` const webpack = require("webpack") const withPlugins = require("next-compose-plugins")...
Only DevTool, LSM doesn't make an error.
I had the same problem with the null column value (for a deleted date which is null 99% of the time). It is fixable with the workaround to suffix the...
I got a problem similar to yours @gndelia. I upgraded to - "jest": "^27.0.6", - "@testing-library/jest-dom": "^5.11.10", - "@testing-library/react": "^12.0.0", - "react-select-event": "^5.3.0", I had to use explicitly the jsdom...
For readers in a hurry, I have used this quickfix in my code 👍🏼 ``` declare module "@uidotdev/usehooks" { function useWindowScroll(): [ { x: number | null; y: number |...