
Results 20 comments of polyzium

I've not tested it fully under Wine yet, i will when i come home

Nope it doesn't track keys over a Linux desktop

He didn't like it because there isn't enough space in the chat box for sufficient resolution of the image. People who use Cordless in a Linux tty or a fullscreen...

This issue still persists, any updates? Also @MartinSandfuchs the link is broken

Update: got it working somehow in qjackctl without pulseaudio running, but it's very unstable so much that FL crashes again when switching drivers. Also the output names are garbled ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/22579935/79282803-c6a7e780-7ebe-11ea-9a13-55d52b2747e1.png)

I think there are ways to speed the thing up, but I might be wrong because I never wrote an emulator and I don't have that much experience with low-level...

Oh and one more thing: where can I get the OC ported version from? There doesn't seem to be a branch or anything that contains it, I'll try compiling it...

After spending some time, I developed my own port with (WIP) Braille-based rendering. And it's alive! Running in OCEmu at max speed, the emulator reaches a framerate of ~1fps. No...

Damn, it has been almost a year... I would very much like to see LuaJIT in OpenComputers... It has been a long while since I used CC as I've switched...

The GBC has 16 colours too, what's the problem? Unless the palette is hardcoded, that is. Same for OC Tier 2 GPU snd screen, Tier 3 ones have 256 colours.