
Results 76 comments of polyvertex

+1 here: over 300MB usage. LightBulb seemed to work feature-wise, but it was unresponsive to GUI interaction (i.e. left or right-clicking the tray icon produced not result). I noticed I...

Hey, I'm just jumping in and don't mean to be pedantic but wouldn't it be wiser to merge those 2 new integers you added (`show_info_text` and `show_ui`) into a single...

I was thinking about direct bitwise manipulation on a single integer. Admittedly it leads to more verbose tests but those 2 integers seemed so closely related that when I read...

Thanks for reporting this! Would you mind providing the .FIT file (here or PM)? It could help.

Late jump in but in case it helps: according to the `Profile.xlsx` file from the ANT SDK as well as its documentation, values of the `date_time` type are given in...

Oh, it seems fitparse's data processor is context-less so the timezone offset of a `local_date_time` value cannot be deduced without significant modifications :( Sorry for the noise

I do not have any issue with `generate_profile.py`. Perhaps it's because I have the zip archive in the same directory? ``` $ python generate_profile.py FitSDKRelease_20.66.00.zip profile.py ```

It would be interesting to analyze these files but I guess you cannot share them?

Your WinSCP sessions do not need at all to be labeled as per format `WinSCP: `. That is just the format of the resulting items in Keypirinha. You have to...

> Installed WinSCP with keypirinha in portable mode. I assumed you also use WinSCP itself in portable mode, in which case its configuration is stored in file `WinSCP.ini` iirc in...