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Linear algebra library with vector swizzling, intersection tests and useful functions for games and graphics dev.


gcc_clang vc2017 codecov License: MIT

Another C++ maths library.. you might find this useful for games and graphics dev, it has a lot of useful intersection, geometric test and conversion functions, vector swizzling and other handy features.

There is a Live Demo via WebAssembly and WebGL.


Supported Compilers: MSVC 2017+, GCC 7.0+, Clang 6.0+, EMCC 2.0.

C++11 or later is required for template parameter packs to use swizzles and C++14 or upward is recommended to use constexpr std::max on parameter packs. Tested with C++20, C++17, C++14 and C++11.


The entire library is header only, add the maths directory to your include search path and simply include:

#include "maths.h" // intersection, geometric tests and conversion functions
#include "util.h"  // min, max, swap, smoothstep, scalar functions.. etc
#include "vec.h"   // vector of any dimension and type
#include "mat.h"   // matrix of any dimension and type
#include "quat.h"  // quaternion of any type

Running Tests

c++ --std=c++11 -Wno-braced-scalar-init .test/test.cpp -o .test/test && ./".test/test"



The types are thin wrappers around plain c-style arrays, all arithmetic is done using scalar floating point ops, there is no SIMD here for simplicity and portability.


For that shader like feeling.

vec4f swizz = v.wzyx;       // construct from swizzle
swizz = v.xxxx;             // assign from swizzle
swizz.wyxz = v.xxyy;        // assign swizzle to swizzle
vec2f v2 = swizz.yz;        // construct truncated
swizz.wx = v.xy;            // assign truncated *= swizz2.www;    // arithmetic on swizzles
vec2 v2 = swizz.xy * 2.0f;  // swizzle / scalar arithmetic

// sometimes you may need to cast from swizzle to vec if c++ cant apply implicit casts
f32 dp = dot((vec2f)swizz.xz, (vec2f)swizz.yy):

Debugger Tools

There is a provided display.natvis file which can be used with visual studio or vscode, this will display swizzles correctly when hovering in the debugger and prevent the huge union expansion from the swizzles.

Append the contents of display.lldb to your ~/.lldbinit for improved readability in xcode or commandline lldb debugging.

Intersection Tests and Utility Functions

// Generic
vec3f get_normal(const vec3f& v1, const vec3f& v2, const vec3f& v3);
void  get_frustum_planes_from_matrix(const mat4& view_projection, vec4f* planes_out);

// Angles
f32   deg_to_rad(f32 degree_angle);
f32   rad_to_deg(f32 radian_angle);
vec3f azimuth_altitude_to_xyz(f32 azimuth, f32 altitude);
void  xyz_to_azimuth_altitude(vec3f v, f32& azimuth, f32& altitude);

// Colours
vec3f rgb_to_hsv(vec3f rgb);
vec3f hsv_to_rgb(vec3f hsv);

// Projection
vec3f project_to_ndc(const vec3f& p, const mat4& view_projection);
vec3f project_to_sc(const vec3f& p, const mat4& view_projection, const vec2i& viewport);
vec3f unproject_ndc(const vec3f& p, const mat4& view_projection);
vec3f unproject_sc(const vec3f& p, const mat4& view_projection, const vec2i& viewport);

// Overlaps
u32  aabb_vs_plane(const vec3f& aabb_min, const vec3f& aabb_max, const vec3f& x0, const vec3f& xN);
u32  sphere_vs_plane(const vec3f& s, f32 r, const vec3f& x0, const vec3f& xN);
bool sphere_vs_sphere(const vec3f& s0, f32 r0, const vec3f& s1, f32 r1);
bool sphere_vs_aabb(const vec3f& s0, f32 r0, const vec3f& aabb_min, const vec3f& aabb_max);
bool aabb_vs_aabb(const vec3f& min0, const vec3f& max0, const vec3f& min1, const vec3f& max1);
bool aabb_vs_frustum(const vec3f& aabb_pos, const vec3f& aabb_extent, vec4f* planes);
bool sphere_vs_frustum(const vec3f& pos, f32 radius, vec4f* planes);
// todo: obb vs obb

// Point Test
template<size_t N, typename T>
bool point_inside_aabb(const Vec<N, T>& min, const Vec<N, T>& max, const Vec<N, T>& p0);
bool point_inside_sphere(const vec3f& s0, f32 r0, const vec3f& p0);
bool point_inside_obb(const mat4& mat, const vec3f& p);
bool point_inside_triangle(const vec3f& p, const vec3f& v1, const vec3f& v2, const vec3f& v3);
bool point_inside_cone(const vec3f& p, const vec3f& cp, const vec3f& cv, f32 h, f32 r);
bool point_inside_convex_hull(const vec2f& p, const std::vector<vec2f>& hull);
bool point_inside_poly(const vec2f& p, const std::vector<vec2f>& poly);

// Closest Point
template<size_t N, typename T>
Vec<N, T> closest_point_on_aabb(const Vec<N, T>& p0, const Vec<N, T>& aabb_min, const Vec<N, T>& aabb_max);
template<size_t N, typename T>
Vec<N, T> closest_point_on_line(const Vec<N, T>& l1, const Vec<N, T>& l2, const Vec<N, T>& p);
vec3f     closest_point_on_obb(const mat4& mat, const vec3f& p);
vec3f     closest_point_on_sphere(const vec3f& s0, f32 r0, const vec3f& p0);
vec3f     closest_point_on_ray(const vec3f& r0, const vec3f& rV, const vec3f& p);
vec3f     closest_point_on_triangle(const vec3f& p, const vec3f& v1, const vec3f& v2, const vec3f& v3, f32& side);

// Point Distance
template<size_t N, typename T>
T     point_aabb_distance(const Vec<N, T>& p0, const Vec<N, T>& aabb_min, const Vec<N, T>& aabb_max);
template<size_t N, typename T>
T     point_segment_distance(const Vec<N, T>& x0, const Vec<N, T>& x1, const Vec<N, T>& x2);
float point_triangle_distance(const vec3f& x0, const vec3f& x1, const vec3f& x2, const vec3f& x3);
template<size_t N, typename T>
T     distance_on_line(const Vec<N, T> & l1, const Vec<N, T> & l2, const Vec<N, T> & p);
f32   point_plane_distance(const vec3f& p0, const vec3f& x0, const vec3f& xN);
f32   plane_distance(const vec3f& x0, const vec3f& xN);

// Ray / Line
vec3f ray_plane_intersect(const vec3f& r0, const vec3f& rV, const vec3f& x0, const vec3f& xN);
bool  ray_triangle_intersect(const vec3f& r0, const vec3f& rv, const vec3f& t0, const vec3f& t1, const vec3f& t2, vec3f& ip);
bool  line_vs_ray(const vec3f& l1, const vec3f& l2, const vec3f& r0, const vec3f& rV, vec3f& ip);
bool  line_vs_line(const vec3f& l1, const vec3f& l2, const vec3f& s1, const vec3f& s2, vec3f& ip);
bool  line_vs_poly(const vec2f& l1, const vec2f& l2, const std::vector<vec2f>& poly, std::vector<vec2f>& ips);
bool  ray_vs_aabb(const vec3f& min, const vec3f& max, const vec3f& r1, const vec3f& rv, vec3f& ip);
bool  ray_vs_obb(const mat4& mat, const vec3f& r1, const vec3f& rv, vec3f& ip);

// Convex Hull
void  convex_hull_from_points(std::vector<vec2f>& hull, const std::vector<vec2f>& p);
vec2f get_convex_hull_centre(const std::vector<vec2f>& hull);