
Results 6 issues of Andrew

The kinks package detects self-intersection in the following shape: When I run the shape through unkink-polygon, I get the same shape back out. Not sure what is wrong here....


So a few things to point out: - The ```@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.O)``` annotations were added because Android studio complained about using some of the base64 classes. Everything appeared to run...

I would like my reverse proxy to utilize client certificates to control access to gotify. This is working for the gotify web site and a computer with the cert installed....

The wkt ```POLYGON((-89.31029407 38.72017071,-89.30548017 38.72017071,-89.30421905 38.72418814,-89.31029407 38.72376013,-89.31029407 38.72017071))``` causes parse to throw the following error: ``` _string-trim.js:25 Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded at RegExp.exec () at RegExp.[Symbol.replace] ()...

This is basically a feature request with some POC code to get your thoughts. We use your control in the Range mode with multiple initial default values. We like pushable,...

In reference to the issue I reported in [this thread](