
Results 8 comments of poliandro

I'm on Windows, I have Telegram v, 4.10 x64. Inside media section, if I select multiple files, there is a menu called `Save As...` Unfortunately it only downloads one file,...

Not true. This option appears regardless if the files were previously downloaded or not. The files not downloaded before have an arrow pointing down, the files already downloaded don't have...

Update Telethon to the latest version, it was [fixed](https://github.com/LonamiWebs/Telethon/commit/cf3bc71e1d4e9bc3e3b05370fea5558b5aa001f5) there.

After you update telethon, don't run "pip install --upgrade tgcf", because it will downgrade again telethon.

@sandippshah If this was fixed, close the issue.

Do not update pyrogram, latest version has removed the reverse parameter. Use the version from the requirements.

`error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required. Get it with "Microsoft C++ Build Tools": https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/visual-cpp-build-tools/` Install this program, is needed to compile tgcrypto

Probably you have multiple pyrogram versions installed. Try to remove them first and run the program again. Or try to run the program in a venv, to make sure it...