Alexandre Pereira Nunes

Results 10 comments of Alexandre Pereira Nunes

To anyone landing here via google search (as me) and having issues with Intel wifi & bluetooth, normally passing bt_coex_active=0 to iwlwifi is enough. Other suggested options, although necessary in...

I have issues on Moto E5 (Android Go 8.1) as well.

For completeness, the directive should put a watch on the property, and react on toggle too. That way, while the property is set, the map would zoom+pan as features are...

Another way to implement this would be for the ol-center directive to have bidirectional binding on the (optional) "bounds" property.

IIRC sqlcipher just needs an extra call (to set the encryption keyword), everything else is api compatible to sqlite, i.e. you can replace sqlite3.c & sqlite3.h from those from sqlcipher...

I agree with @bjoernpollex on the matter, and database_binder::execute_and_get_last_insert_row() seems enough, provided the documentation is clear on the limitations. There could be a debug build switch or at least a...

Never tested in 32-bit, but in 64 there's some odd compatibility issues, for instance the DSM Call with DAT_IMAGENATIVEXFER returns an invalid handle. It seems to cheat on using 32-bit...

I can confirm it strips the original metadata.

> > * NextJS Rewrites: []( > > I am also getting the same error. > > If we do this then `source: "/api/:path*",` will replace every route. What if...

In my case, I'm getting the opposite results. It seems done is triggered before all chunks are available.