Eugene Pokidov
Eugene Pokidov
I confirm. Very annoying behaviour.
Reproduced on version 2.1.28
+1. Ubuntu 14.04 ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/sublime_text/", line 312, in on_activated_async callback.on_activated_async(v) File "/home/pokidovea/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/ElixirSublime/", line 255, in on_activated_async self.on_load_async(view) File "/home/pokidovea/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/ElixirSublime/", line 260, in on_load_async ElixirSession.ensure(os.path.dirname(filename))...
I join
Just endless waiting for a response. May be problem of Dropbox API?
It doesn't help. I've tried 500, 100 and 50 records. The same error at the end
Here's my code: ```python def _get_files_from_dropbox(path: str) -> Generator[List[FileMetadata], None, None]: dropbox = Dropbox(settings.DROPBOX_TOKEN) try: result = dropbox.files_list_folder(path, recursive=True) except ReadTimeout: # return [], while True: files = []...
I have a lot of code and it belongs to my company. What kind of issue do you want to see? May be it will reduce the search
There is no place in project, where we could use pydantic dataclasses. Only pydantic models and standard python dataclasses. I can show you a part of our code, but there...
Yes, this class is from Django package (web framework). It's a regular python class, even not a dataclass. Strange. How your plugin connected to it?