David Gerson
David Gerson
Hey wassup? I have been trying to make VTS work in unity but it never worked for me, i am always getting weird stuff like this ![Flight Compiler - Compiler...
title says it all
Hello, im trying to compile and run this, except i get a error at this code in the bigg library: ``` io.Fonts->AddFontDefault(); io.Fonts->GetTexDataAsRGBA32( &data, &width, &height ); imguiFontTexture = bgfx::createTexture2D(...
Howdy! I am writing a game engine, and am trying to implement ImGui! I am using ImGui.Net.DirectX as my wrapper. Running this code: ImGui.CreateContext(); ImGui.StyleColorsDark(); ImGui.ImGui_ImplWin32_Init(Game.WindowHWND); unsafe { ImGui.ImGui_ImplDX11_Init((void*)Game.Direct2DDevice, (void*)Game.Direct2DContext);...
#### Area of Cosmos - What area of Cosmos are we dealing with? Limine, Cosmos / General #### Expected Behaviour - What do you think that should happen? The Limine...
I've played a lot of MM HvH lately, and I've seen some people say that they're on Osiris, however they have Ragebot and Anti Aim does somebody know anything about...