@lwindolf is anyone working on this? I could pick it up
@lwindolf cool! I will have a look and see if I can come up with some solutions..
Hi guys :) I managed to put a little time into this issue and am now able to reproduce the issue.. need to find more time though to dig into...
@lwindolf Lars, where do I turn on verbose debugging?
I am trying to reproduce the privacy issue. I have set up ttrss on server 1, server 2 is hosting feeds. I added these feeds to ttrss and then added...
@Perflyst sorry I was busy with my day job.. could you post the feed contents again? I want to check out the source
@Perflyst I am afraid I can't reproduce this issue. My setup works just as it should. I also see the favicon requests in the logs, but **not on the feed...
That is unexpected.. :-P you have feed items coming in though?
@Perflyst Can you check out your ~/.local/share/liferea/liferea.db? It is a sqlite file, look for any references to feed.xml there..
Ok dude, let me contact you on xmpp for the details.. don't know when I will have the time, but I will be in touch