**Todays solution:** _Ecmascript_ used today in NAV is of edition lower than _ES6_. All standards lower than _ES6_ are considered old, and are not necessarily guaranteed to be supported by...
**Todays solution:** **All** _.js files_ are loaded, regardless of what view user interacts with. Builds are therefore slow and chunky from user's perspective. When modifying frontend code, running _docker-compose build_...
**Todays solution:** Package management per now is manual. This leads to security vulnerabilities, stalled (nearly non-existent) package updates, very perplexing dependency management. **Suggested solution:** Use _yarn_ for package management. **Alternative...
**Todays solution:** The is no component-based system in place. Frontend view elements can not be reused as components. Imports are bulky since for each view element HTML, CSS and JS...
### Changes made: Function zoomToBounds() updates zoom correctly in accordance with the parameters it receives. This applies to several use cases, and specifically to a scenario when user requests a...
### Implemented changes: - [x] Switched to building CSS from Sass with Webpack - [x] Removed libsass as dependency - [x] Updated docs - [ ] Updated changelog Closes #2871,...
`sass-watch.sh` should be replaced with Webpack's functionality for module replacement or watch mode. We can most likely remove the `sass-watch` script entirely, but the `inotifywait` will still be needed in...
Known deprecated syntax to be fixed in NAV's Sass files: - Slash as division throughout many different Sass files (https://sass-lang.com/documentation/breaking-changes/slash-div/) - unnecessary `!global` flags throughout `_navsettings.scss` file (as of Dart...
**Todays solution:** The system in place is vanilla JS-HTML-CSS. It is somewhat chaotic and somewhat redundant some places in the codebase. Replacing it with (or just adding on top of...