Andrei Podkovyrin

Results 13 issues of Andrei Podkovyrin

This PR fixes issue when blur frames re-generates every time on setting `frame` to `ANBlurredImageView` instance. For example, in UIKit animations: ``` obj-c ANBlurredImageView *blurredImageView = ; [self addSubview:blurredImageView]; //...

I'm trying to decode an empty value and getting `couldNotDecodeType` error: ```swift let encoded = try ABI.encodeParameter(type: .bytes(length: nil), value: Data("".utf8)) let decoded = try ABI.decodeParameter(type: .bytes(length: nil), from: encoded)... `gasPrice` parameter was missing in the estimateGas() function signature

We're using BartyCrouch as our build script phase. I found out that all version from 3.11.2 and newer are crashing with the following stack: ``` 2018-11-14 11:15:58.401 bartycrouch[27535:1456155] *** Terminating...


We're using this library as part of our own and we have to integrate it in the podspec: `s.dependency 'CocoaImageHashing', '1.9.0'` but there are only 1.7.0 in the Cocoapods repo...

Здравствуйте! Есть ли какая-то возможность обрабатывать нажатие на пин, при этом не показывая callout? По аналогии с MKMapView: - (void)mapView:didSelectAnnotationView: - (void)mapView:didDeselectAnnotationView:

When authenticating for the very first time (or registering a new user) auth process hangs at confirming email page. If the user confirms his email by opening the link in...