
Results 8 issues of pocketChao

### 这个功能解决了什么问题 一个上传功能 需要定义两个uploader 一个是图片类型的 一个是视频类型的 当没选择任何文件的时候 先弹出action sheet 让用户选择上传类型是图片还是视频 如果是图片uploader最多9张之后再上传就默认不弹出弹窗正常使用uploader的add 如果是视频最多是一个并且隐藏uploader 希望点击actionsheet的时候主动调用两个中的某一个uploader的chooseFile事件 ### 建议的API是什么样的 类似vue中的 点击某个锚点 触发chooseFile 事件

https://xiangyuecn.gitee.io/recorder/assets/demo-vue/ 这个链接在 iPhone14 iOS16.0.1 钉钉环境的H5种打开 显示如下 ![58D73F7118213741254694B809FD8DF4](https://github.com/xiangyuecn/Recorder/assets/21028807/a3aa07da-431f-4a52-89af-b0e513136633) ![B30FE8EC3D26F4D6FA1158C351457A47](https://github.com/xiangyuecn/Recorder/assets/21028807/62219929-18eb-47d5-bfff-30b1c50decb3) 同样的环境尝试 iPhone14pro iOS16.6.1钉钉环境 功能正常

I set the withCredentials property of video-js to true, and then the server configured withCredentials to true, access-control-allow-headers: Requested (Origin, x-requested With, content-type, Accept), access-control-allow-origin :'.$_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN '], but I found...

**您使用的西瓜播放器版本是多少? What version of xgplayer are you using?** xgplayer-hls.js 2.31.4 **您使用的操作系统和浏览器分别是? What OS and browser are you using?** 安卓 钉钉 **如何复现问题? How to reproduce the problem?** 暂停后播放 报错 Uncaught (in...

### Describe the bug In the cookie store defineNuxtRouteMiddleware method was used in nuxt3 unable to get to the store of value: internationalStore: export const useInternationalStore = defineStore( 'international', ()...

🔍️ pending triage

**您使用的西瓜播放器版本是多少? What version of xgplayer are you using?** **您使用的操作系统和浏览器分别是? What OS and browser are you using?** **如何复现问题? How to reproduce the problem?** **您期望的播放器正常行为是? What did you expect to happen?** **实际播放器的表现是?...


- [ ] I have searched the [issues](https://github.com/antvis/g2/issues) of this repository and believe that this is not a duplicate. ### What problem does this feature solve? 项目需要 ### What does...

**您使用的西瓜播放器版本是多少? What version of xgplayer are you using?** 2.31.4 **您使用的操作系统和浏览器分别是? What OS and browser are you using?** macos 13.2.1 chrome 127.0.6533.101 **如何复现问题? How to reproduce the problem?** css 旋转全屏 player...
