William David Mayo ("Dave")
William David Mayo ("Dave")
## Description The existing code, which is run per PDF finding aid generation on the PUI, will run up to 10,000 times before failing in the face of invalid XML...
If a user doesn't have a current repository selected, the user preferences page will crash with a 500 error. This is especially serious with addition of per-user locale preferences, as...
## Current Behavior The following example for paginated routes (and any similar examples with characters that need urlencoding) fail when actually used: ```shell # return first 5 records in the...
Explanation is here, but basically, we need to update to a supported version of sass in our Rails components (frontend, public). http://sass.logdown.com/posts/7081811 sassc-rails sounds like the least work to me,...
Currently, name authority information (e.g. things like LNAF or local authority ids) for agent names (all kinds - name_corporate_entity, name_person, name_family, name_software) seems to be defined semantically by two pieces...
## Expected Behavior Contents of infinite-scroll.js powered containers reliably scroll at some reasonable speed. ## Current Behavior In Firefox (and any other browser or browsing context where wheelEvent.deltaMode is 0...
At various points in the EAD importer (and presumably other XML format importers, but I haven't tested), the Nokogiri node#content (or aliased method node#inner_text) is used to get text contents...
Currently, the only part of Nokogiri's actual "interact with the processed XML" that is supported is XPath. Everything else is still raw Saxon. I was thinking that it would be...
When expanding an emmet expression, anything descendant of a parenthesized expression is discarded silently. For example, this: ``` (div)>p| ``` expands to: ``` html ``` but should expand to: ```...
It successfully installs via pip, but there's no change to output of assertions, whether through assert() or affirm(). I'm on OSX 10.9.5, Pythons provided via brew, system, and virtualenv all...