William David Mayo ("Dave")
William David Mayo ("Dave")
I had a whole bunch of examples, but I realized as I was writing them out that I do, in fact, want different behaviors in different circumstances. :frowning: Regardless, silently...
The place where this really hits me is with the HTML snippets - html:5 has a defined point where `>` should leave things, and it would be really nice to...
For what it's worth, Emmet appears to have defined behavior for this, and it's to treat a > following a parenthetical as a sibling selector. Not sure that's behavior worth...
Hi @hsnotebook! Hmmm... I'm not sure what's going on here, but setting web-mode-markup-indent-offset works for me. In any event, emmet (in general) uses indent-region to do its indent, and (truth...
Looked this over and concur - don't think we can meaningfully fix this on our end, we'd need to fix it and submit upstream.