
Results 5 issues of pnome

I have the pods CMPopTipView, SARate and XCDYouTubeKit in my app. When clicking to view the details the app crashes with the error: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception...

I just installed Xcode 13 and my app won't build due to use of `UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?` The error is: 'shared' is unavailable in application extensions for Mac Catalyst: Use view controller...

I'm reposting this as a new issue as it didn't seem to get seen. Hopefully someone has an idea about whether it's fixable. I have my fingers crossed. Describe the...


I'm running pod 'FontAwesomeKit', git: '' in my pod file. There seem to be a lot of missing icons, specifically from the Solid section of FontAwesome. Although there's a method...

Firstly, this is great! I'm trying to download an audio stream and I'm getting the error "YouTube selection error ERROR: videoAgeRestricted" Any idea how I might get around this?