Patrick Musau, Ph.D.
Patrick Musau, Ph.D.
Tested this on ros2 foxy, it passes all tests. Issued one warning. ``` Warning: the matrix subclass is not the recommended way to represent matrices or deal with linear algebra...
friendly ping for review @130s
@cybernetchi You can build his repo from source. In your workspace: ``` $ git clone -b noetic-devel ``` Build with colcon ``` $ colcon build ```
friendly ping for review @machinekoder @130s
Hi @PhilippPolterauer! Thanks for the contribution. Unfortunately I run into this error on galactic, foxy, and rolling. ``` /catkin_ws/src/image_transport_plugins/compressed_image_transport/include/compressed_image_transport/compressed_subscriber.h:65:8: error: ‘void compressed_image_transport::CompressedSubscriber::subscribeImpl(rclcpp::Node*, const string&, const Callback&, rmw_qos_profile_t, rclcpp::SubscriptionOptions)’ marked ‘override’,...