Pedro Pontes
Pedro Pontes
I realized that after some more research. Still, it seems somewhat misleading, considering (as far as I could find) there's no indication that the method only looks at national level...
After realizing this, we added a check on PublicHoliday.Global when using GetPublicHoliday(startDate,endDate,countryCode). I do understand the reason for the distinction, and don't think this is so much an implementation problem,...
Hi @Roblinde Thanks for the reply. Indeed the issue seems to be what is described in the linked blog post. I looked around for a bit, guess I didn't use...
Again, simplifying a lot: In the CMS: ``` ContentBlocksPage { "contentBlocks": [ { sys: { contentTypeId: "textContentBlock" } ... } ] } ``` In the backend: ``` class ContentBlocksPage {...
Yes, I double checked just in case that the custom resolver is set on the contentful client. The only change I made was changing `ResolveEntriesSelectively` to `true`. I am using...
Actually, my `BaseContentBlock` already extends a `BaseEntity` class which does have `public SystemProperties Sys { get; set; }`, I guess I oversimplified.
It is indeed being hit. Having run a few different tests myself, I'm suspecting it might have to do with depth (?). The error I am getting is not when...
The include parameter is already set to 10, which I believe is the limit, though at any rate, this query should have only 3 levels (Website > ContentBlocksPage > ContentBlock)....
Hm, a couple of the blocks, possibly (in other `ContentBlocksPage`s), but not the very first one, which is where the exception is happening (`Path 'items[0].homePage.en.contentBlocks.en[0].sys'.`). I've actually tried to debug...
Yes, we're using the `locale=*` option.