Panagiotis Moulos
Panagiotis Moulos
Hi, Can you check if the latest commit [here]( fixes that? Thanks
Hi @Kvit, Are you sure that this can be achieved? I think that there is an incompatibility between how Shiny bookmarking encodes parameters in the URL so that Shiny can...
Hi @jtrecenti, Sorry for the typos, it initially worked but seems I missed something from the comitted version. I believe I fixed them. Could you please check? The "logout" app...
Hi @jtrecenti! Did you have the chance to review the latest changes? Thanks!
Hi @Kvit, It could be. Can you check if my [fork]( fixes this? Thanks.
Hi @fenderglass, thanks for this wonderful package! I think you might have to revisit this issue as I faced problems with networkx 2.2. ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File...
Hi all, I do not know if this issue has been resolved, but I can confirm with own data. Without knowing lassosum internals and also, being new to polygenic risk...
Hi @tshmak, Thank you for the prompt reply! Now, I believe that I have performed the test with the package data before my first post. Maybe I have done something...
Hi @grimbough, I can confirm this (I am the maintainer of **metaseqR2** and **recoup**) and affects also the package **sitadela**. I can also confirm that the packages are building/checking OK...
Hi, **metaseqR2**, **recoup** and **sitadela** are building/checking ok. Thanks for your help. Maybe the issue can be closed.