Parker Mossman
Parker Mossman
@davinchia I added some additional logic to preserve a sensible ordering to the catalog, because our merge logic uses set operations that don't preserve the order. Would be good to...
@davinchia @krishnaglick friendly bump on this PR!
@krishnaglick yeah, we aren't following exact REST semantics here, we decided that the existing API endpoint is too dangerous to leave as-is, since neglecting to include a field will often...
@krishnaglick yep, as soon as we finalize this PR and get it merged, I'll want to work with your team to get taken care of next. Once we remove...
By the way, the only thing I'm waiting for to merge this is a deploy to a dev environment so that I can do some manual verification of updates, especially...
This PR is currently deployed to if anyone wants to do some manual verification that things still work! I've clicked around and it looks good so far
Hey @larrywax! I'm interested to learn more about your specific use case for needing a Secret-backed service account token, rather than letting Kubernetes use the TokenRequest API under the hood...
@larrywax sorry for the slow reply here, I realized I misconfigured my Github mentions awhile back so I didn't see a notification that you had replied, my mistake! I know...
@larrywax sorry to hear that things still aren't working for you. If you'd like to share your helm configuration files (ie any values that you've set that differ from the...