Pieter Moris
Pieter Moris
### Container image name rocker/rstudio:4.1.2 ### Container image digest rocker/rstudio@sha256:4aa7cb6c1851ea480b1435fbaab53834d85dff446b21a5f85f0c7ace843850e8 ### What operating system are you seeing the problem on? Linux ### System information - Docker version 20.10.17, build 100c701...
I'm having some difficulties modifying the rocker tidyverse base image with Bioconductor packages. I've written up my goal, approach and problems more extensively in an issue on littler's github page...
I've ran into a number of issues trying to install bioconductor packages in a Docker image. Specifically, the two approaches that I've foud for installing bioconductor packages (`R -e 'BiocManager::install("package")`...
I noticed [this comment ](https://github.com/nf-core/sarek/blob/5cc30494a6b8e7e53be64d308b582190ca7d2585/workflows/sarek/main.nf#L946) about checking the flowcell ID for paired samples while constructing GATK read groups. I was adapting the read group code for a custom pipeline and...
I noticed that the trimming reports do not show the number of too short reads that were removed in the main summary section, but instead list this at the very...