Peter Valdemar Mørch

Results 61 comments of Peter Valdemar Mørch

I propose modifying the title of this issue to "Transfer project to an organization". It works really well. As the original author, you create a new organization and transfer...

And if you can't modify the Jenkins installation (I can't), then this [Violentmonkey]( script will fix it. Just modify the `@match` line (or add mulitple): ```Javascript // ==UserScript== // @name...

Me too. Running a very fresh janus installation under /root in a fresh virtual machine. `vi` + `o` shows: ``` Error detected while processing function ZoomWin#ZoomWin..138_RestoreUserSettings: line 9: E354: Invalid...

I'm a little new to these plugin managers, but it seems [Vundle is now inactive]( Would [NeoBundle]( be a better choice for that reason alone? NeoBundle already can peg stuff...

@leebo I've also seen this, and found the same reason and fix myself. But isn't this a separate issue? It has nothing to do with ZoomWin as far as I...

It may not surprise anybody, but `my.yaml`, `./my.yaml` also fail in the same way. When organizing one's types into separate files, it is now impossible to see if there are...

@dougwilson writes: > it may work fine for your application, but would need to be made robust for an implementation that would land in Express Which is *exactly* why this...

@giselleserate-okta writes: > My current workaround is to reassert the `values.yaml` file in my helm command with `-f ./values.yaml`, but this is a bit unwieldy. Could you explain a little...

@giselleserate-okta I'm sorry, I still don't get it. The entire problem is that a `field: null` in `myvalues.yaml` doesn't work. How is your command a workaround? What do you put...

I have no idea what happened with this. When I clone the gist, sample.adoc is now 0 bytes. I've since left that job, and don't have the original checkout any...