Pavel Miron Mihalachi
Pavel Miron Mihalachi
Please read the description: Note: This device is only compatible with the **UFiber OLT**. It cannot be used with third-party OLTs. I mean this tool makes sense when is used...
I guess your problem is to replace an Huawei ONT. The point is you should replace the first 4 hexadecimal digits to ASCI. For isntance: **48575443**61DE3C1A (48 57 54 43)...
> I've updated to 4.6.0 but since 4.4.2 it seems we're unable to change the mac address as it reverts back to the original hardcoded mac address. If I downgrade...
I saw problems changing the Profile(from 4 to 2 for instance) then the SN is changed to default. All that with version 4.3.1. So I had to run the tool...