Piotr Mikołajek
Piotr Mikołajek
I'm on `v1.0.0-beta2`, and I'm getting some deprecation notices when running symfony commands like `bin/console list` or `bin/console doctrine:schema:validate`: ``` 2021-07-15T22:34:14+00:00 [info] User Deprecated: Since gesdinet/jwt-refresh-token-bundle 1.0: The "Gesdinet\JWTRefreshTokenBundle\Model\RefreshTokenManager" class...
I can confirm the notices are gone in beta3, thank you kindly :slightly_smiling_face:
@Unitech I'm getting `Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: Must use import to load ES Module` on pm2 **4.4.0** with node **12.18.2**.
Any updates on this? The consensus seems to be that this should be merged, but there's been no developments. Allowing pretty urls without trailing slashes is a must for our...
@Keats so how about it? And just in case there's still doubt whether supporting slashless URLs is in demand: https://twitter.com/jaffathecake/status/1261252780796383233
I mean, at the end of the day, it's about whether you want to add a feature that people definitely, 100% want and need, or if you want to deliberately...