Mark Phillips
Mark Phillips
I am also seeing missing words from my word clouds. In the examples images, the most frequent word is 'story'. If I use .rotate(function() { return 0; }) in the...
After some more investigation, I see the problem is the size of the font in relation to the size of the drawing space for the word cloud. What I don't...
Could you elaborate a little more on how you got it to work? Thanks! Mark
Thanks! Giving a task a custom task_id is a new concept for me. While we were talking, I implemented my progress bar using my Django site's MySQL db and `uuid.uuid4().hex`...
Forgot to include the version of Easy Audit. Same exception thrown for both Easy Audit 1.2 and 1.3. I assume @jheld, that your question was directed to someone else?
@jheld I am not sure I completely understand your proposed solutions. Can you elaborate a little more on these two solutions? Thanks!
@jheld I think that will work. I am sorry, I just don't have the bandwidth to give this the serious thought it deserves. I defer to your better judgement. I...
I tried the above syntax for transitioning from any state, and it does not work. I have a state machine defined and I am building up a set of test...
@kz89 Thanks for your quick reply! Your solution worked like a charm. Another solution, since the state machine is so small, is to add the following at the end of...
I have the same problem. I could import a 300 MB file, but openshot crashed when opening a 500 MB file. Both mp4s. I tested the mp4 with ffmpeg, and...