Pierre Métras

Results 9 issues of Pierre Métras

## Context Here is some incorrect code [(in playground)](https://playground.ponylang.io/?gist=780e8fae4fa8c385e1fc0d61a59416d4) trying to update the value the first element of array `bar` through a lambda: ```pony class Foo let _env: Env let...

help wanted
needs investigation
needs discussion

Add MyPhotoShare media gallery generator.

This merge requests adds a few enhancements: - Driver launcher script - Tablet calibration - Multi pointer: the mouse on the primary screen and the pencil/stylet on the tablet -...

Proposal to make `Array` iterator classes `ArrayKeys`, `ArrayValues` and `ArrayPairs` private. Instead `Array` function `keys`, `values` and `pairs` will return general `Iterator` interface like other stdlib classes that implement theses...

Hello, Can you include in the README.md file how to use this Nim extension? And list it in the Nimble repository for discoverability. It seems a nice extension to the...

This seems related to issue #2784. Following code ([Playground](https://playground.ponylang.io/?gist=5aecac05558b5750700a9c1770e59e97)) ```pony actor Main var _x: U8 new create(env: Env) => while true do _x = 5 break end let y =...

help wanted
good first issue

The Nim compiler crashes SIGSEGV on parallel program when using `--gc:arc`. ### Example I can't build a simple example from my code for the momemt. ### Current Output ``` $...

ARC/ORC Memory Management

Trying to install golden with nimble, to use it with nim 1.4, raise an install error on nimterop versions: ``` $ nimble install golden --verbose | grep -B 5 -A...

Though nimz3 is based on Z3 integration into Nim, I think that to open the syntax to other SMT libraries (like [CVC4](https://cvc4.github.io), [SMT-RAT](https://smtrat.github.io/index.html), [veriT](https://verit.loria.fr/), etc.), you should define a more...