Mārcis Pinnis
Mārcis Pinnis
Interactive inference fails on python 3.8.5 (maybe also other versions). ``` python interactive.py -source_sentence "test this out" -path_checkpoint "models/checkpoint_best.pt" -data_bin "prep/" | [en] dictionary: 48 types | [en] dictionary: 48...
Hi! The readme tells that the example for translating the test sets can be found in `conv-multi-fres-en.sh`, but there is no such bash script in the repo. Could you, please,...
Hi! I deployed amagama on an Ubuntu machine with 64GB RAM, 2TB SSD (almost empty) and tried importing a 10GB XLIFF file (28.5 million segments). It did not work. I...
### Bug Docling crashes on the attached docx file. [test_doc-small.docx](https://github.com/user-attachments/files/18672121/test_doc-small.docx) The file features examples of: 1) standard heading styles; 2) custom heading styles (styles that have exact outline level specified);...