
Results 7 issues of plush

When playing songs with different sample rates, PipeWire can adapt its internal graph's sample rate on the fly, eliminating the need for any resampling. However, this will only happen if...

Since the upgrade to Nextcloud 20.0 and Community Document Server 0.1.8, any attempt to access a document results in "ONLYOFFICE cannot be reached. Please contact admin." The log says that...


I was able to get go-dsl working with my ALLNET ALL-BM300 modem after applying some quirks. I don't have a straight up patch because some of the quirks go beyond...

I replaced the firmware on a Wyze v3 camera (model WYZEC3B, SOC Ingenic T31X, 16MB NOR) using the [official installation guide](, but I cannot complete the process as the bootloader...

/var/www/cgi-bin/firmware.cgi is meant to look up the newest firmware version on Github during load if there is an Internet connection. However, the logic used is very brittle: It assumes you...

The illumination for night mode can be configured in two places: - The "Illumination" settings page - The Majestic settings "Night Mode" tab On the "Illumination" settings page (/var/www/cgi-bin/config-light.cgi), separate...

There is a comment in usr/sbin/ that says it should check whether imp-control is in use [1]. However, the check is not implemented and the script unconditionally tries to access...