Pierre-Luc St-Charles
Pierre-Luc St-Charles
Hey hey, there's the patch --- could you allow modifications on the pull request? See [here](https://help.github.com/articles/allowing-changes-to-a-pull-request-branch-created-from-a-fork/) for instructions. These changes will require a cleanup before they go in --- it...
Hello! I can't quite pinpoint the issue by just looking at the code, but I'll try to redownload the dataset and complete the same procedure some time this week. It's...
Update: sorry about the delay, I did not forget you --- my free time has been eaten away by other issues recently. I still have not had much time to...
Hello! I have not had to build this project with OpenCV 4+ myself (it's been a while!), but I'd love to try to get it working. Do you have a...
I tried to do a quick local build with OpenCV 4.5.5 to see what breaks, and I had to fix a couple of minor things, see this branch: https://github.com/plstcharles/litiv/tree/test-build-opencv4 ......
Are you sure you are using the correct branch? Based on [this change](https://github.com/plstcharles/litiv/blob/test-build-opencv4/CMakeLists.txt#L116): ``` find_package(OpenCV 4.0) if(NOT ${OpenCV_FOUND}) find_package(OpenCV 3.0 REQUIRED) endif() message(STATUS "Found OpenCV >=3.0 at '${OpenCV_DIR}'") ``` ...OpenCV...
Thanks for the info, looking forward to it!
For anyone looking into OpenCV 4 compatibility: the [test-build-opencv4](https://github.com/plstcharles/litiv/tree/test-build-opencv4) works with the default library config as of 2024-01-15 (thanks @michelpromonet !), but I will likely not merge that branch into...