Hi, Are there any plans for supporting etcd v3? Kind regards, Peter
Hi, I'm testing the "kapp app-group deploy ... " command and getting the warning: "info: Resources: Falling back to checking each namespace separately (much slower)" What can I do to...
Hi, After experimenting last weekend succesfully with kube-cluster (and kube-solo) I decided to demo kubernetes at work. Unfortunately both implementations complained about not being able to connect to the internet....
Hi, Is there any way I can read my encrypted properties with Archaius version 2? Kind regards. Peter
Hi, Using this image I stumble upon a problem joining an agent to a single server cluster. The errormessage is: dial tcp i/o timeout ( is private IP of...
Hi, I just started using Fluentd and am looking for a way of saving events to an Oracle database. At the moment I'm trying to use the enhanced_oracle adapter but...
Hi, Tailon seems exactly what I'm looking for but unfortunately I just can't get it to work behind a Apache proxy. I tried a couple of configurations but I only...
Hi, I'm using td-agent version 0.12.19 and getting an error using the route plugin: ``` 2016-01-06 21:53:56 +0000 [info]: fluent/agent.rb:125:add_match: adding match pattern="wur-monitor.**" type="route" 2016-01-06 21:53:56 +0000 [trace]: fluent/plugin.rb:118:register_impl: registered...
Hi, What would be the best way to add pgAgent to this image? Kind regards, Peter
Hi, Would it be possible to schedule pg_dump with a pg_cron schedule? I tried something like this: `` SELECT cron.schedule( 'one_time_pg_dump', -- job name '*/1 * * * *', $$pg_dump...