P. L. Lim

Results 538 comments of P. L. Lim

While we're at this topic, I see that there is a https://github.com/astropy/photutils-benchmarks but it hasn't been updated for 6 years. Should I open a new issue?

@larrybradley , do you plan to re-use that same repo? If not, might wanna archive it. Thanks!

Numba might be too hardware oriented, as not everyone running `photutils` have a heavy duty graphics card. While it can be one of the options, I don't think it should...

Files are here: https://github.com/astropy/astropy-tutorials/tree/main/tutorials/notebooks/plot-catalog

@stephtdouglas , I agree! I think @jonathansick is revamping the page right now?

http://swcarpentry.github.io/python-novice-inflammation/ (data is not astronomy specific but if you want novice Python lesson, you might find it helpful)

When a tutorial gets updated, does it retain the same DOI or get a new one? For example, if I cited a tutorial on Sep 21, and then it gets...

Is this all it takes for this package to run on Windows? Yes, please! Would be nice to also add the Windows CI here, to be sure.

> And are the folks cc'd the ones who would be able to write it? At least two of them, yes. :wink:

I am not familiar with the code here. Where is that code generated?