P. L. Lim

Results 538 comments of P. L. Lim

I cannot tell why it is failing from the log. You might need to run this test locally and debug.

I think the resetting of pan/scale in 1:54 is due to this: ``` 2015-10-21 14:59:06,610 | I | Control.py:570 (load_image) | Loading image from gs_all_candels_ers_udf_f160w_060mas_v0.5_drz.fits kwdargs={'numhdu': None} 2015-10-21 14:59:10,426 |...

Hello. Is there a plan to merge and release this soon? We are seeing deprecation warning from stable version of ipykernel downstream. Thank you!

For stsci.tools , I tried at https://github.com/spacetelescope/stsci.tools/pull/153 to the extend of the test suite coverage. But looking at your long list of dependencies, good luck. p.s. PyPDF2? Why?

@namurphy , did the replies here or the custom readers/writers machinery help? Or did you end up using something else?

astropy is already on v5.2.x and v5.0 will stop being LTS at the end of the year, so I don't think we'll ever fix this, unfortunately.

I don't think this is getting anywhere and I forgot what I was trying to do.