Results 149 comments of Pier Luigi Fiorini

@vtolstov I had the same problem and managed to fix it with the following arguments to `docker`: ``` docker run --rm -ti --privileged --user root -v $(pwd):/work -w /work --tmpfs...

Transient windows should already be centered to their parent but it doesn't work because the size is not known at that time. Probably I can make that work by waiting...

Yes, And moving the dialog will move the parent too.

Needs this:

I would do Debian first since sid usually have Qt updated and then rebuild the packages on Ubuntu, but yeah it's going to be supported.

Not yet, need to update the packaging files someone made a few months ago and start spinning builds. I will start looking into this at least in two weeks not...

Need help on this issue as I won't complete this any time soon due to lack of time and Debian/Ubuntu knowledge.

Yeah doing snaps seems like the best way to go, see #80 With snap we already have a platform for apps with the Qt version we want and Fluid, the...

@MDTech-us-MAN Unfortunately static link doesn't solve the issue since you need Qt anyway

The problem here is that we don't want to maintain our Qt packages in addition to those of the shell.