I was going to add a pro capita toggle! I'm happy you're already working on it! It would be great!
Hi... Everything is working great on iOS simulator. On android physical device I was also experiencing crashing. I have adopted the temp solution @faisal-kabir proposed on his repo (thanks!). That...
@faisal-kabir Thanks for your effort! It seems to be working now. The latex text is rendering fine in both iOS (iphone 13 simulator) and android physical device. On android, even...
This is on android. I am not sure if the same thing happens on iOS. CroppedFile? cropped = (await ImageCropper().cropImage( sourcePath: image.path, //aspectRatio: CropAspectRatio(ratioX: 1, ratioY: 1), compressQuality: 100, maxWidth:...