OctoPNP copied to clipboard
OctoPrint plugin for camera based pick 'n place control
How can I install (compile) on Windows 64.. thanks.
Hi all, using the OctoPrint Version 1.4.0, trying to install the OctoPNP plugin I get the following error: ``` Installing plugin "OctoPNP" from https://github.com/platsch/OctoPNP/archive/master.zip... /home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip --disable-pip-version-check install https://github.com/platsch/OctoPNP/archive/master.zip...
> OctoPNP is an extension that allows Octoprint to control printers and similar devices with additional hardware Can you point me to somewhere that talks about the additional hardware?
Installation does not work. Gives error message:"Could not parse output from pip". I'm using OctoPrint version 1.3.2 master branch.
Hello, i found a solutiuon to install OctoPNP on an RPI3. But if i reload my Octoprint then i run in this javascript error: ``` Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property...