Pierce Lamb

Results 17 comments of Pierce Lamb

For anyone that comes across this, I wanted to link this bug report i wrote which might save them some time. https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/issues/4352 I'm still not 100% sure if I am...

Again, for anyone that finds this, a more well formulated version of this question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72260549/how-to-represent-paginated-documents-as-a-single-instance-of-training-data-for-w https://discuss.huggingface.co/t/how-to-represent-paginated-documents-as-a-single-instance-of-training-data-for-whole-document-classification/18009

Crazy speed on that PR @muellerzr , thank you. Always impressed by the accelerate team.

@muellerzr good suggestion. For others that find this, this is how i got it to work: ```python accelerator = Accelerator( log_with='wandb' ) # initialize wandb if accelerator.is_main_process: os.environ['WANDB_API_KEY'] = config.wandb_api_key...

Forgive my naiveté, why do all the tests call `from_pretrained()` on some variation of `t5`? The UDOP model checkpoints are [here](https://huggingface.co/ZinengTang/Udop/tree/main). Could these be used?

Ah, I see that the test script they provide also [uses T5-large](https://github.com/microsoft/i-Code/blob/main/i-Code-Doc/scripts/finetune_rvlcdip.sh), I expected it to use one of those checkpoints

@raghavanone I am currently trying to finetune `UdopUniModelForConditionalGeneration` using this PR. I ran into the following exception while training: ``` File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/transformers/models/udop/modeling_udop.py", line 2422, in forward encoder_outputs = self.encoder( TypeError:...

@NielsRogge @raghavanone please link the new PR when its available for people subscribed to this one

Hi @NielsRogge I saw the large amount of commits on your new UDOP branch, curious if you have any idea on when you think a PR might be ready

Sorry to keep hammering on this, but again have noticed a flurry of activity on that branch then almost 2 weeks off. Curious what the plan is for it @NielsRogge