Results 11 issues of plainas

There might be a way to do this... but I had no luck. How would one sort by multiple fields, being a subset of them numerical? I think this is...

For those of us working machine learning, a feature to quickly divide the data set into training data and test data would be a really nice to have. Is there...

There hasn't been any activity for the last half year and documentation is still very sparse. Is this already dead? Looked like a useful software.

This was already mentioned in other #112 and #113, but I am opening this to track progress on ubuntu 16.04 which is has LTS. ``` root@rock ~# cat /etc/issue Ubuntu...

Preliminary discussion about multiple 'libraries' can be found here: By introducing an external dependency, this could be trivially. The three libraries bellow, all provide direct ways to create a...

Allow passing an url pointing to the command list when launching icl. Use `-u /--url`. The file could contain escape sequences that are injected in the terminal. This is essentially...

Coffescript is the obvious candidate for the first next supported languages, because of it's golden rule "it's just javascript". But a multitude of other languages that compile to javascript or...


I need to populate a multiselect with a bunch of options that I load from a file. One line per option won't fit my use case. Is there a way...

The readme says that only python 2 is supported. Is that still the case? Googling "python 3 percol" revieled a bunch of clones in the while, allegedly with support for...