Thank you, I'll be back with updates and or a jsfiddle as requested. velocity v2 I understand is in beta thanks
@hemorej , when you say "You can now access the shop like any content url that is part of your kirby setup" you do NOT mean that you are able...
A workaround to allow orders to be placed again. **Attention, this WILL change orders sorting number, and so most possibly the order number shown to the customer.** 1. Under plugins/merx/index.php...
Thanks for answering @tobiasfabian I believe it would be enough that orders can't really be deleted at all, as in this case the user was able to delete them by...
Would like to know if this is not considered a bug, or if there is missing info etc. Thank you
This does not seem to have received any attention since I posted it. Is there info missing? Should this be a reccomendation instead of a bug ?
Actually... I believe that solution cannot be applied in my case... If you check the [given example page](, the height of the image depends on its width which is 100%...
So the problem is that magic grid items are not directly the images, but a div that wraps around the image. And when the image is not loaded the wrapper...
Thank you @ptcampbell , I'll give that a go. By now I am having an interval checking for img.complete on all grid elements. Looks dirty but seems to work, something...
@ptcampbell Thank you for sharing your advice, much appreciated. I do actually agree with you. I searched and found imagesloaded before trying to come up with a solution of my...