Info k Po cca 16h provozu "Unable to prepare image data for client" Prostredi: RPiOS, buster@RPiZero Linux ZigBeeGate 5.10.63+ #1496 Wed Dec 1 15:57:05 GMT 2021 armv6l GNU/Linux start...
Ahoj , kdyz vypnu RPi a zapnu jej cca za 4 hodiny (epaper ma po tu dobu "no image for long time"), tak se epaper po requestu chytne, ale zobrazi...
After battery change boot loop caused. Low batt for a few days, "no image data" on epaper at the end. Quick fix: reflash FW (./uartTool /dev/ttyAMA0 updateDmitry < QSPI.BWR.bin) UART...
libraries\eloquentsurveillance\src\motion.h:443:104: error: 'uitn16_t' has not been declared void forEachBlock(Callback callback, Reducer& reducer, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t width, uitn16_t height, uint8_t size) { ^ libraries\eloquentsurveillance\src\motion.h: In member function 'void EloquentSurveillance::Motion::locate2()':...
Hello is still .x and .y TOP/LEFT in the region definition when I use camera.vflip(); camera.hflip(); in camera settings? Or they are "moved to BOTTOM/RIGHT"? Thanx