Paul Kimpel
Paul Kimpel
Consistently remove DOM event listeners for all windows at time of close.
Long, continuous sequences of output from the current version of R/C generates garbage. Suspect this is a problem with the datacom TTY driver, but requires investigation.
apparent errors in object-file types, produced by CANDE command "LIST FILES", which invokes LFILES/CANDE; this appears to be an off-by-one error; I've spent some time looking through code in CANDE...
Compile errors on source file SYMBOL/CHECKAL, related to MONITORing of labels (it would be good to run CHECKAL, if we assume that it was a well-debugged and reliable diagnostic test...)...
Submitted by Terry Heidelberg, 2015-05-04.
Two different cases of apparent damage to the system disk, causing the system to be non-bootable under Chrome and Opera (on H/L, they said INVALID ADDRESS FOR MCP). Submitted by...
Observed corruption of the intrinsics file on a running TSS system. Showed up as various weird I/O problems in Algol programs. Reloading the Intrinsics file from the system tape resolved...
On TSS, EX hangs the system Submitted by Terry Heidelberg, 2015-05-04.