@sunng87 @pierDipi Hi. Any changes of this pr?
@millems Hi. Any plan of supporting this feature ? A lot of people think they need this feature from the perspective of customers using AWS S3 products.
@millems Oh. That's good news. When are you expecting?
@millems Thanks for your reply. :)
@zoewangg Hi. Is there any support plan that reactive input like Flux? Currently, it seems that only file is supported as input of upload.
I have a same problem. (kotlin 1.7.0 & mockk 1.12.4) 1. coEvery { any() } -> java.lang.InstantiationError ! 2. sealed interface -> mockk(relaxed = true) -> io.mockk.MockKException: Can't instantiate proxy...
@Raibaz Hi. Has this problem been fixed in Master?
@Raibaz Hi. When is the release date of 1.12.5 ?
Same here. Environment * JDK 17 * Kotlin 1.7.10 * Mockk 1.2.5 Error Log **java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: class com.hpcnt.messagingplatform.message.Message$Subclass12 cannot implement sealed interface com.hpcnt.messagingplatform.message.Message** ``` LiveChatNameMessageTest > Invalid name should throw exception()...
@aSemy Hi. You can find the error by running the test below. This test code was normally performed in Kotlin version 1.6.21 & Mockk 1.2.4 Environment * JDK 17 *...