so i tested the update and i'm still experiencing problems. i insert some filler text or open a file to provide some visual feedback and then execute `:messages`. in `vim`...
Bind to or alias a script like this: ``` #!/usr/bin/env bash ~/.local/bin/keepmenu sleep 0.1 # adjust as needed xdotool key Return ``` What would be more useful, though hardly necessary,...
@kvngvikram Set the maps from an independent vim session (i.e. that isn't nested within a tmux session) and insert the literal control characters using ``. See `:h i_CTRL-V` if you're...
works over here. maybe another plugin or map is interfering. check `:verbose map` for conflicts and try with this minimal `.vimrc` and see if it works as expected. use `vim...
use the `g_` motion to select up through the last non-blank character on the line instead of `t;` for non colon terminated lines.