Paul Kettle
Paul Kettle
Hi Shivmohith, Have a look at mynewt-dw1000-core/lib/nrng/src/nrng_encode.c for the json encoded. The calculations are performed in mynewt-dw1000-core/lib/twr_ss_nrng/src/twr_ss_nrng.c. Note the rng numbers are IEEE 754 floating-point type cast to a UINT32...
Hi Shivmohith, Have a look at the following function. This builds the JSON string object by object. Regards Paul.
Hi Yan, I suspect this is related to hal_timer_start_at() call in ccp_master_timer_cv_cb(). The resulting timer delay is negative and exceeds 10s, the timeout set in the os_sanity, see syscfg.yml TDMA_SANITY_INTERVAL....
Hi Yanxuex, It appears that the ccp->sem is blocking. Can you set the TDMA_SANITY_INTERVAL=0 and allow os_timer rollover to occur. On the console type `dw1000 dump`. This will allow us...
Hi Asmita, Can we switch you to the nrange examples for now? @ncasaril is looking into this issue.
Asmita, If you are switching RTT to UART see the listener example. There is no compulsory baudrate. On OSX 1MB is not supported. CONSOLE_UART: 1 CONSOLE_RTT: 0 CONSOLE_UART_BAUD: 115200 Regards...
Asmita, Have a look at mynewt-dw1000-apps/apps/twr_node_tdma/ for a description of the format. All units are SI, there are also matlab and python examples for decoding. Can you explain what you...
Hi @Asmita, The PANs library is a mature stack that allows customers to build an indoor location experience. This stack is an SDK for creating an alternative experience using a...
Hi Asmita, The PANS stack was developed by a Decawave partner and is a subset of their commercially supported stack @leapslabs. The design goal of this repo is to provide...
@ihuajiu, The mynewt-dw1000-apps\apps\twr_tag(node)_nranges_tdma is the closest fit to your requirements. Regards Paul