I could "solve" the issue of duplicate function calls in Chrome (when directly calling using GET request from the browser URL field) by registering a second function for requests to...
I created a fork that handles OPTIONS calls by directly sending a hopefully proper OPTIONS response (RC = 204, correct headers and no content). Use at your own risk :-)...
Thank you @3ricj for the effort you put into analyzing the signals and your inputs on this topic. Your change moves the update task on core 1, but as far...
@3ricj can you provide feedback on the above comment? I assume it is a CPU core related issue as indicated before. Currenlty there is a pull request that allows to...
@Humanoidx please provide some more details on your setup and code. 500ms breaks are very unusual and do not seem to have the same cause as the previously reported issues....
@Humanoidx thx for the hardware details, yet I was more referring to the software code and setup of esp FlexyStepper though :-) Can you please post your code?
Did you try running the FlexyStepper stepper as a service as in example 5? Also please try with some less aggressive values in acceleration and speed first, something like 2000...
Thanks for the feedback. Can you try to figure out if your stepper driver reacts on a rising edge or a falling edge on the step input? So does it...
Also one important question: did you connect to the ESP32 with a serial monitor to check if it crashes and performs a reboot/reset? This would explain the very long pauses...
I did some first tests with alternative methods of generating a square wave signal for step output using some of the build in modules from the ESP32. A thing I...