Pulak Kanti Bhowmick
Pulak Kanti Bhowmick
When I was trying to validate version `14.1.1-debian` against constraints `14.1.1-alpine`, it was giving error like `14.1.1-debian is not equal to 14.1.1-alpine` which is expected. But when I was trying...
Signed-off-by: Pulak Kanti Bhowmick Fixed #182 Also format code with `go fmt`
`FieldConfig` field is missing in `StatPanel`. https://github.com/grafana-tools/sdk/blob/master/panel.go#L263 For this reason, unit information for stat panel is not set into sdk.Board from json
Signed-off-by: Pulak Kanti Bhowmick ## Description ## Related issue https://github.com/reviewpad/reviewpad/issues/208 ## Type of change ## How was this tested? ## Checklist - [ ] I have performed a self-review of...