Found it: `./snap/2fa/8/.2fa` My go environment is installed through snap
Well [FormatTime()]( internally uses [format() ]( from CCTZ, which is: ``` std::string format(const std::string& format, const time_point& tp, const detail::femtoseconds& fs, const time_zone& tz); ``` And this [API]( actually does...
That is exactly why I asked this question, at compile time I am not getting any warning it the format string I pass to `FormatString()` is not correct (e.g an...
I changed the test to the following, to try just `%H` ``` #include #include #include #include "absl/time/clock.h" #include "absl/time/time.h" TEST(TimeUtilTests, FormatTime) { for (const auto& [epoch_ns, ts_str] : std::unordered_map({ {1634058342371043590,...
I tried to run the test from `gdb` but seeing something strange here: - The problem is **not reproducible** if the test is built in debug mode! - In fact...
Inspired by [this]( we've done the following in my `visitor` function, to output double values in a better way: ``` void visit(const cpptoml::value& v) { // Don't use default precision...
yes the snippet you posted is what I want to do.. For me as an user, the header line should always be the at the top of the table; irrespective...
In my view all these code samples should produce the same output, **but they don't:** ``` int main() { fort::char_table table; table
btw what does `
well, spreadsheet applications for example treat headers as special entities, and allow to customize the header in many ways, for example put it in every page in a printout. :)