Thanks! Haven't gotten a Jetson Nano yet :(
> > The problem has been solved, this is cv_bridge and opencv compatibility issues > > Could you tell me how you solve this problem? I face the same one,...
> @PaulKrush On the euroc data, my measured performance is not good. There is a big delay, I have not solved this problem. But I implemented GPU acceleration on Vins-Mono...
> I test vins-fusion with my own device (global shutter camera + imu + gps(RTK) put those together but not hardware synchronized) and set estimate_td to 1, online estimate time...
Could you please upload your camera intrinsic parameters' yaml file and your vins config file. It seems that there is something wrong with your config file.
What is the resolution of your image?
Do you have any bags from D435I, I can not reproduce the error as you said.
Here are some suggestions for those who are using D435I 1. Check the realsense launch file to make sure the resolution of the image is consistent with the VINS-FUSION config...